Pasti Pada Tahu kan PNS, yak betul game ini asal indo lho, buruan dicoba pake cheat ini biar gak bosen,, yuk baca selengkapnya :
Tool :
Swf File
Caranya :
Download dulu fiddler
Kemudian Install Fiddler
Baru jalankan Fiddler
Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
Masuk Ke PNS dekstop
Clear Chace
Masuk PNS
Shoping ^^
Cara Menghapus chace :
Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas
(sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear
Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Cara Pemakaiannya :
"Academy" untuk beli jutsu secret.
"Shop" Beli baju, back item, senjata langka.
NB :
Jika terjadi eror saat membeli sesuatu itu dikarenakan PNS yg sekarank databasenya belom lengkap
Semoga Cheat PNS Open All In Shop bermanfaat untuk anda, jangan lupa share ke temanya di FB dan Twitter ya !1
Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
Cheat PNS Rare Pet Permanent Terbaru 2012 ada Hachibi
Cheat PNS Rare Pet Permanent Terbaru 2011. PNS merupakan game seperti Ninja Saga, tetapi ini buatan anak indonesia,kali ini yang akan saya bahas adalah Cheat PNS Rare Pet Permanent Terbaru 2011, baca juga post terdahulu mengenai All In Shop Pns, baiklah lanjutkan ke postingan selanjutnya :
Tool :
Swf file.
Tutorial :
Tool :
Swf file.
Tutorial :
- Masuk Facebook
- Buka Ninja Saga, Tapi Jangan Di Mainkan.
- Buka Fiddler, Ke AutoRespondonder.
- klik Authomatic Responses & Permit Passtrought For Unmatched Request.
- Masukkan File swfnya Ke Fiddler Clear Cache.
- Masuk Ke Academy
- Kalo udah masuk Klik Panel , dan Beli Deh
Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012
Create Room PVP For Free User
Go To PvP
Fiddler: Download
SWF: Download
- Go to Shop
- Buy Emblem hack ( Not Permanent)
- Go To PvP and Create Room
- Sukses
Clear Cahce:
1. Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools => Options => Advanced -=> Pilih Network Tab => Clear Now => Klik OK
2. Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) => Options => Under the Hood => Clear Browsing Data => Empty the cache =>Clear Browsing Data
*Emblem And Token Not Permanent
Cara Download di
Karena banyak yang bertanya bagaimana cara Download melalui
Jadi saya memberikan cara menDownloadnya
Untuk Percobaan bisa klik Link Berikut "Testing"
1. Klik "FREE"
2. Tunggu waktu yang berjalan
3. Setelah selesai ketik code yang ada pada gambar
4. Klik "Create Download Link"
5. Klik link yang terlihat seperti gambar di bawah
6. Download And Sukses
ST Weapon Hack
Style Chatt Fb
Buat Chating mu Jadi Lebih Seru! | Trik FB
Serunya Chating di Facebook jika bias membuat kreasi sendiri,
coba lihat gambar di atas,
mungkin kalian sering menemuinya,tetapi tidak mengerti cara membuatnya,
Tidak salah anda kesini,
saya akan share beberapa code untuk membuat chating anda lebih seru,
Silakan copy code di bawah lalu paste pada chat,dan lihat hasilnya,
semoga berhasil,
Good Luck,
[[196920740401785]] - A
[[113544575430999]] - B
[[294715893904555]] - C
[[294660140569858]] - D
[[328415510520892]] - E
[[270221906368791]] - F
[[212614922155016]] - G
[[205633882856736]] - H
[[256255337773105]] - I
[[288138264570038]] - J
[[296999947008863]] - K
[[216672855078917]] - L
[[278786215503631]] - M
[[241341589270741]] - N
[[312524205448755]] - O
[[200138403410055]] - P
[[165410113558613]] - Q
[[203403609746433]] - R
[[334427926570136]] - S
[[250632158335643]] - T
[[285985351447161]] - U
[[343627398996642]] - V
[[315740851791114]] - W
[[136342506479536]] - X
[[224173507657194]] - Y
[[317710424919150]] - Z
[[mahochat]] = Maho
[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[205827876172490]] = Bingung
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Alay
[[203443053077888]] = I LOVE KASKUS
[[266313623412267]] = PENGUIN LINUX
[[191560730921873]] = LOGO GOOGLE CHROME
[[182809565135565]] = LOGO GOOGLE +
[[242070735843795]] = LOGO SNAPTU
[[266910496686186]] = LOGO WINDOWS
[[258958334142268]] = LOGO ANDROID
[[291152600919956]] [[295479677155336]] [[314363058604092]]
[[262834777109378]] [[189006671194968]] [[263319493729810]]
[[251236504943440]] [[287904934588441]] [[185961414833909]]
[[164991926934921]] [[209695692449988]] [[250490361685507]]
[[278968458819422]] [[349625665051383]] [[205760419511603]]
[[299788346731384]] [[268532783202434]] [[266669970059695]]
[[204170799672068]] [[187204144709527]] [[331078983588306]]
[[206407216112871]] [[240669959335314]] [[180619528702085]]
[[347768705240557]] [[186661331430535]] [[218646048216424]]
[[328111047214223]] [[323186421038846]] [[157802940990663]]
[[159535350818164]] [[296581710385765]] [[271261609598535]]
[[179756028790264]] [[131478976968398]] [[314076808615174]] [[206240339463055]] [[159403400834378]]
[[200992799990165]] [[196243973803636]] [[270956806292431]] [[346811212001437]] [[328107453874590]]
[[196721100420672]] [[317586898261340]] [[298140226892101]] [[214914048591653]] [[350101681673756]]
[[123765061073750]] [[245710415498757]] [[243298355738272]] [[138812572897166]] [[149419131833071]]
[[158310927607841]] [[310752072297702]] [[316528255036793]] [[335475163146590]] [[221503331260136]]
[[241781875890038]] [[218268384920510]] [[189509191144351]] [[302618756443499]] [[182961465135557]]
[[206151719471944]] [[223223751088260]] [[158685720904140]] [[249080145157161]] [[310957895604838]]
[[159403400834378]] [[297487363621407]] [[1156068411]] [[135921843188987]] [[281219301903813]] [[199562043466774]]
[[295738517127851]] [[155658844536513]] [[209549519130890]] [[142176999226854]] [[246689415397308]] [[199562043466774]]
[[238766052862259]] [[307299595976209]] [[217652968315422]] [[189042331191521]] [[286721874712929]] [[344476392245488]]
[[208520335900424]] [[280378908678680]] [[289772571069549]] [[271456079578545]] [[316530365035101]] [[288356997877538]]
[[291702580880362]] [[165637363538400]] [[150244831751625]] [[241130952627573]] [[120930761357725]] [[325867137432308]]
[[154842501286195]] [[286053358112869]] [[149316288510313]] [[250243511707871]] [[291635414215481]] [[344254632266885]]
[[276412539074685]] [[131586963624296]] [[333374550025341]] [[327570193933422]] [[199699430120687]] [[136021593179546]]
[[222233554520712]] [[155093667926316]] [[159374644168797]]
[[265556180170509]] [[272006802857159]] [[144596118984229]] [[198806320212294]] [[155432547893166]]
[[239088996160999]] [[293626150673074]] [[203611766392684]] [[214124502002999]] [[268692779851733]]
[[181312795299893]] [[269771269745545]] [[189131527848966]] [[121039688013447]] [[347460675267390]]
[[116007985184523]] [[267703239958069]] [[209491689137152]] [[335109106501612]] [[286053824778978]]
[[140147629431094]] [[286265654759471]] [[208524709231940]] [[135568263223992]] [[265887476807116]]
[[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]]
[[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]]
[[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]]
[[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]]
[[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]]
[[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]]
[[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]]
[[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]]
[[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]]
[[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]]
[[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]]
[[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]]
[[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]]
[[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]]
[[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]]
[[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]]
[[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]]
[[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]]
[[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]]
[[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]]
[[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]]
[[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]]
[[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]]
[[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]]
[[67253243887]] - Justin Bieber
[[ladygaga]] or [[10376464573]] - Lady GaGa
[[eminem]] - Eminem
[[zuck]] - Mark Zuckerberg
[[249199828481201]] - Konata Izumi
[[250128751720149]] - Domo Kun
[[223328504409723]] - Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] - Pokeball
[[326134990738733]] - Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] - Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] - Nobita
[[144685078974802]] - Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] - Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] - Shin chan
[[148935948523684]] - Pedo Bear
[[269153023141273]] - Poring
[[171108522930776]] - Troll face
[[211782832186415]] - Me Gusta
[[143220739082110]] - ARE YOU F4CKING KIDDING ME
[[1680408465586189]] - Feel like a sir
[[169919399735055]] - Not bad Obama
[[142670085793927]] - Mother of God
[[170815706323196]] - Cereal Guy
[[168456309878025]] - LOL Face
[[167359756658519]] - NO Guy
[[14933336846417]] - Yao Ming
[[224812970902314]] - Derp
[[192644604154319]] - Derpina
[[177903015598419]] - Forever Alone
[[148578318584679]] - It's Okay!
[[219611504753863]] - ALL the y
[[305710872791586]] - Impossibruh
[[145768898802324]] - Rage Face
[[309795212383816]] - Watch out, badass
[[129627277060203]] - Poker face
[[105387672833401]] - F4CK YEAH
[[161751797197606]] - CHUCK NORRIS
[[129627277060203]] - POKER FACE
[[100002727365206]] - CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
[[334230636605501]] [[335080033169115]] [[314686231886107]]
[[179637912133385]] [[345951442087087]] [[208631755887293]]
[[297872013591588]] [[317089564978607]] [[341555305870236]]
[[271907092867476]] [[283723885007037]] [[327860897243844]] [[327860897243844]] [[271624196228707]] [[154936547887417]]
[[240416619363543]] [[327860897243844]] [[238634442876406]]
[[313359385353119]] [[159993800773468]] [[271907092867476]]
[[285167624869191]] [[313359385353119]]
[[159403400834378]] [[350711854942596]] [[181587845273907]] [[158684234236177]] [[351037108247221]] [[200627473361428]]
[[319903324706941]] [[296000840437382]] [[120826078035368]] [[197216497039069]] [[160081354096525]] [[293380127365491]]
[[268119093246586]] [[304021742976441]] [[241231115950237]] [[319494974748104]] [[346830568677550]] [[206278946125685]]
[[165619636871866]] [[327492260603305]] [[212797055468932]] [[331257773559487]] [[219749661438887]] [[298440666864927]]
[[159403400834378]] [[301770873198029]] [[124123621037582]] [[165443303555885]] [[225009720907841]] [[159403400834378]]
[[143280719116554]] [[325784210773649]] [[240857172651089]] [[326582487367063]] [[243056889098166]] [[159403400834378]]
[[100126866775028]] [[344748918884490]] [[198318970262933]] [[264742153562246]] [[156223974480296]] [[199239846833770]]
[[337718332906919]] [[159071504197585]] [[159142267522981]] [[285550151496203]] [[217302108349366]] [[243642895706612]]
[[159403400834378]] [[297037847004108]] [[273779062680713]] [[206014099486621]] [[329969420355991]] [[222842284460715]]
Code Emot
[[345533462139449]] > ;bete
[[308300382542918]] > ;calm
[[309626999060642]] > ;dan2
[[263022747090798]] > ;hai
[[200102950080196]] > ;hwa
[[158227984284324]] > ;mad
[[114550798664378]] > ;mo
[[299734090065127]] > ;omg
[[350421394973827]] > ;shy
[[208296672587372]] > ;doa
[[157844747656241]] > ;etc
[[158207970952008]] > ;groa
[[241721525896214]] > ;grr
[[113519815433465]] > ;hepi
[[239939099411255]] > ;joke
[[346508562029170]] > ;kdip
[[185298018232820]] > ;mbok
[[239249926147852]] > ;phew
[[332418196786941]] > ;shok
[[328430820514942]] > ;tear
[[222287944513884]] > ;we
[[164481350318329]] > ;win
[[330544910308348]] > ;zzz
[[267658843290223]] > ;hoeh
[[180154485416003]] > ;:)
[[221390677938174]] > ;swet
[[269394746450013]] > ;TT
[[222023621206273]] > ;uhuk
[[346372985378735]] > ;luph
[[187322684697844]] > ;tida
[[208533842565519]] > ;cuih
[[266659030060927]] > ;down
Code emot kaskus di fb
[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[mahochat]] = Maho
[[203443053077888]] = I Love Kaskus
[[205827876172490]] = Bingung
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Alay
[[guengakak]] = Ngakak
[[171108522930776]] = trollface
[[foreveralonecomics]] = forever alone.
[[MegustaMeMe]] = Me Gusta.
[[149333368464171]] = Yao.
[[145768898802324]] = FUUUUUU.
[[168456309878025]] = LoL.
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap.
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO.
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here.
[[129627277060203]] = Poker Face.
[[160723207280093]] = Are you f*cking kidding me?
[[ChallengeAceptado]] = challenge Accepted.See More.
Code Lain
C.E Trial Bug Version
Nihh.. buat Agan" yg Penasaran sama CE trial bug :
Fitur ::
Added some shortcut keys to the main window. (ctrl+o opens a table, ctrl+s saves, and ctrl+alt+a opens the auto assembler)
Added reinterpretable addresses
Added auto assemble scripts to the auto assembler
Added auto assemble scripts to cheat tables
Added a pointer scanner
Added the ability to define structures
Added address recalculation by module in the standalone trainer as well (for code entries, standard addresses use interpretable addresses)
Added the db 'string' opcode to the assembler
Added the REGISTERSYMBOL and UNREGISTERSYMBOL functions to the auto assembler
Addresses now indicate of a address is in a static address or dynamicly allocated
Added a show checkbox and show hotkey property to the cheatlist in the auto assembler
Added a click handler to seperate cheats in the trainer maker. (clicking enables a cheat)
Made it possible to also use ce's kernel debugger for "change register on breakpoint"
Changed the code finder so it's not modal anymore. (You still can't use multiple at the same time but it'll fix some 'not so' user-friendly problems)
Changed the hyperscan injection method when windows 2000 is detected. should be more stable
Changed the save routines in the memory view to give more options when saving and loading
Fixed some assembler and disassembler bugs
Fixed "force memory to be writable" on PAE enabled systems
Fixed the bug where the module name was not saved in the cheat table of a code entry
Fixed the bug where the first character of the trainer maker user input field got replaced by a ?
Fixed float->unknown initial scan->first scan->exact value not showing the type selection
Fixed find out what ... when using access violations and clicking stop
Fixed invalid reordering of entries after delete of a entry in the trainer maker
Fixed the corrupted title and about text in the generated trainer when protection was enabled
Fixed resizing of the cheatlist after a delete in the trainer maker
Fixed one or two spell errors
Fixed the fullaccess function in the auto assembler
Fixed support for floating points in the trainer maker (difference between , and .)
Moved all symbolhandler code to one class instead of speading it all over the rest of the code
changed the copy/paste of entries to be more stable
Stealth +++
Link : Here
KaLau Berguna.. jangan Lupa Cendol'y agan",.. +++![ngakak ngakak](
![ngakak ngakak](
![ngakak ngakak](
Ohh,, yya,, nih SS setting'y..
Fitur ::
Added some shortcut keys to the main window. (ctrl+o opens a table, ctrl+s saves, and ctrl+alt+a opens the auto assembler)
Added reinterpretable addresses
Added auto assemble scripts to the auto assembler
Added auto assemble scripts to cheat tables
Added a pointer scanner
Added the ability to define structures
Added address recalculation by module in the standalone trainer as well (for code entries, standard addresses use interpretable addresses)
Added the db 'string' opcode to the assembler
Added the REGISTERSYMBOL and UNREGISTERSYMBOL functions to the auto assembler
Addresses now indicate of a address is in a static address or dynamicly allocated
Added a show checkbox and show hotkey property to the cheatlist in the auto assembler
Added a click handler to seperate cheats in the trainer maker. (clicking enables a cheat)
Made it possible to also use ce's kernel debugger for "change register on breakpoint"
Changed the code finder so it's not modal anymore. (You still can't use multiple at the same time but it'll fix some 'not so' user-friendly problems)
Changed the hyperscan injection method when windows 2000 is detected. should be more stable
Changed the save routines in the memory view to give more options when saving and loading
Fixed some assembler and disassembler bugs
Fixed "force memory to be writable" on PAE enabled systems
Fixed the bug where the module name was not saved in the cheat table of a code entry
Fixed the bug where the first character of the trainer maker user input field got replaced by a ?
Fixed float->unknown initial scan->first scan->exact value not showing the type selection
Fixed find out what ... when using access violations and clicking stop
Fixed invalid reordering of entries after delete of a entry in the trainer maker
Fixed the corrupted title and about text in the generated trainer when protection was enabled
Fixed resizing of the cheatlist after a delete in the trainer maker
Fixed one or two spell errors
Fixed the fullaccess function in the auto assembler
Fixed support for floating points in the trainer maker (difference between , and .)
Moved all symbolhandler code to one class instead of speading it all over the rest of the code
changed the copy/paste of entries to be more stable
Stealth +++
Link : Here
KaLau Berguna.. jangan Lupa Cendol'y agan",.. +++
Ohh,, yya,, nih SS setting'y..
[URL=Jejaring Sosial Buatan Anak Bangsa !!
Sudah Lama Kayaknya Nggak Update Nich Blogger, Kali Ini Nyoba-Nyoba Update Laggi Dach.
Hmmm’t. Untuk Kali Ini Saya Akan Memberikan Beberapa Informasi Saaja Seputar SOcial Network Atau Jejaring Sosial.
Kalau Gittu Lanjutt .. .. ..
Kalau Jaman Sekarang Jejaring Sosial Yang Sering Kita Dengar Seperti Facebook, Twitter Dan Kalau Dulu Biasanya Friendster dll.
Semenjak Cepatnya Perkembangan Teknologi Di Indonesia Maupun Internasional Membuat Indonesia Juga Ingin Membuat Sebuah Jejaring Sosial Untuk Memerangi Jejeraing Sosial Yang Sekarang Sedang Ramme.
Untuk Itu Sudah Banyak Bukti Indonesia Juga Bisa Maju Dalam Teknologi Salah Satunya Sekarang Jejaring Sosial Buatan Indonesia Yang Sedang Ramme Antara Lain , Ini adalah web yang sangat mirip dengan facebook, tetapi interface-nya lebih mudah di gunakan. Nama webnya adalah, cukup mudah saat login dan mendaftar, karena kemiripannya dengan facebook.
Hmmm’t. Untuk Kali Ini Saya Akan Memberikan Beberapa Informasi Saaja Seputar SOcial Network Atau Jejaring Sosial.
Kalau Gittu Lanjutt .. .. ..
Kalau Jaman Sekarang Jejaring Sosial Yang Sering Kita Dengar Seperti Facebook, Twitter Dan Kalau Dulu Biasanya Friendster dll.
Semenjak Cepatnya Perkembangan Teknologi Di Indonesia Maupun Internasional Membuat Indonesia Juga Ingin Membuat Sebuah Jejaring Sosial Untuk Memerangi Jejeraing Sosial Yang Sekarang Sedang Ramme.
Untuk Itu Sudah Banyak Bukti Indonesia Juga Bisa Maju Dalam Teknologi Salah Satunya Sekarang Jejaring Sosial Buatan Indonesia Yang Sedang Ramme Antara Lain , Ini adalah web yang sangat mirip dengan facebook, tetapi interface-nya lebih mudah di gunakan. Nama webnya adalah, cukup mudah saat login dan mendaftar, karena kemiripannya dengan facebook.
Saya sudah mencoba menggunakan, dan
itu sangat mudah di mengerti. Apalagi bahasanya mendukung bahasa
Indonesia, sangat cocok untuk kita yang asli orang Indonesia.
nih saya ada ScreenShotnya tapi cuma tampilan beranda aja yang saya SS
nih saya ada ScreenShotnya tapi cuma tampilan beranda aja yang saya SS
Jejaring Sosial ini di buat oleh seorang siswa dari SMA 1 Karimun.
lengkapnya adalah Riolan, dari Kepulauan Riau, lahir tanggal 23 Juli
1994. Sekarang dia baru kelas tiga SMA, tetapi sudah mampu membiayai
hidup sendiri. Ucapan salut kepada anak ini!
teknologi sekarang ini sangat pesat, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang
mau tertinggal, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan GAPTEK (gagap
teknologi), sengguh suatu olokan yang sangat tajam!
dengan ini ada kemajuan yang sangat signifikan dari web ini,dan semoga
web ini bisa menggantikan facebook di masa mendantang, Amin......
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Jam Garuda Indonesia